For Starters…

I don’t know why I’m starting this blog. I enjoy writing, but can scarcely find the time to jot down a decent grocery list, let alone write some inspiring, inciteful crap, readers want to keep reading. This very well may be my first and last post. Depends on how much sleep the baby will give me, whether or not my son breaks his arm today, and if my oldest decides she can ponder the universe on her own for a second. Not making any promises here.

But, honestly, I think I need this. I need to wake up, alone, before the sun and make sense of my head. Husband, kids, friends, work, domestic garbage. It all gets done, but maybe not the way I wanted it to. Rather than showing love to the husband, he becomes my man slave the moment he’s home. Rather than teaching my children to lovingly learn from mistakes, I end up yelling at everyone to get out of the kitchen while muttering a series of replacement curse words under my breath (“God… Bless America” is a favorite I picked up from my own mother) as I clean the “dinosaur DNA” off the floor. I’m lucky if I see my friends once every couple of weeks. Some I only see every time they come in for a haircut and we race through our questions in a hurry, trying to get the most out of our hour in the chair together. That brings me to work… Wait… Oh, Damn. Garbage didn’t get out last night and I hear the truck squeeking down the street. BRB.

Ok, I’m back… And out of breath. See what I mean? Anyhow, you get my point. There’s a lot of truth behind that saying, “adulting is hard.” It is, so maybe writing it all out will help me process things before my family falls victim to my wrath. If only we could be oblivious and self-centered all our lives like we were in our early twenties. Savor it, you young whipersnappers, and be nice to your parents. “I can say that now. I’m thirty something, ” she said as she cried into her multivitamin.

So, here’s the life details, I’m a married, 32 year old hairstylist, raising 3 amazing offspring in Spokane, Washington. No, not D.C. No, not like Seattle. We’re the second coolest city in Washington known for Hoopfest, Bloomsday and houses that don’t require you to sell your first born to be able to afford them. Plus, when Seattle sinks into the ocean all those little hipsters are gonna flood our streets so, you’re welcome. My little town has come a long way in my 32 years and its every bit my home.

What interests me? That’s what I’m trying to figure out. My preferences are looking a lot different these days, but I can say that there have been a few constants.

  • Jesus. You’re gonna hear about Him from time to time on here.
  • Birth. I’ve done it a few times and it’s art to me. Beautiful, no matter how it happens for you.
  • Marriage and Parenthood. Oh, I have so much to learn.

I guess that’s me, Joslyn, in the smallest of nutshells. In this season of life, anyhow. I’m not by any means extraordinary by society standards, but my kids think I’m hilarious and my husband thinks I have a great “swing on my back porch” so I’ll consider that #winning. Stay tuned as I break down these bigger details of my life at an attempt at self discovery. I’ll begin next time with the story of how I found myself dropping “F” bombs in between sobs on the dirty floor of the handicapped bathroom stall of the old Gold’s Gym.

So here it is. My first blog post. And what’s funny is that my 9 year old just read this line, patted me on the back and said, “Awwwwww you’re first blog post, Mommy. How cute.” Do you know what condescending means, Sofia? It’s ok. Out of the three of them, we’re putting our trust in her to change our diapers one day.

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